How I Fix a Cloud Computing Problem with Amazon Web Services

Cloud computing has become an essential component of modern business, providing numerous advantages such as scalability, cost-effectiveness, and dependability. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most popular cloud computing platforms, offering a wide range of services to businesses worldwide. However, cloud computing, like any other technology, can have issues that limit its effectiveness. In this article, I’ll explain how I solved a cloud computing problem with Amazon Web Services and share some insights that may help you solve similar problems.

Recognizing the Cloud Computing Issue

It’s critical to understand the problem we encountered before discussing how I fixed the cloud computing problem with AWS. The issue was related to the scaling of our application’s cloud resources. We were experiencing slow response times and low performance, which was affecting the overall reliability of our application. Our investigation revealed that the root cause of the problem was related to how our AWS resources were scaled.

Identifying the problem

two women talking while looking at laptop computer

To address the cloud computing issue, our team decided to implement a few solutions. First, we decided to configure our AWS resources to scale based on the needs of the application. We used AWS’s auto-scaling feature to ensure that our resources could be scaled up or down based on the demand of the application. This feature assisted us in maintaining optimal resource utilisation while lowering costs.

Following that, we used an AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to distribute traffic to the instances of our application. The ELB ensured that traffic was evenly distributed across all instances, allowing us to improve application performance and reliability.

Finally, we decided to improve the performance of our database by implementing read replicas. This feature assisted us in improving the read performance of our database by distributing the read load across multiple instances.

Solution Implementation

We took the following steps to put the solutions we identified into action:

1. Configuring Auto-Scaling

We first set up our AWS resources to scale based on the application’s requirements. We configured alarms to activate the auto-scaling feature when certain thresholds were exceeded. We also established minimum and maximum thresholds to ensure that our resources did not scale excessively high or low.

2. Implementing an Elastic Load Balancer

We then used an ELB to distribute traffic to the instances of our application. The ELB was set up to use the round-robin algorithm, which ensured that traffic was distributed evenly across all instances. We also kept an eye on the ELB’s health checks to make sure traffic wasn’t being diverted to unhealthy instances.

3. Database Configuration Optimization

We also improved the performance of our database by implementing read replicas. The read replicas were set up to automatically replicate data from the master database instance. We then modified our application to read from the read replicas instead of the master database instance, reducing the read load on the master database instance.

Putting the Solution to the Test

We tested our application after implementing the solutions to ensure that the cloud computing problem had been resolved. We observed a significant improvement in the performance and response times of our application. Our application was more dependable, faster, and capable of handling a higher volume of traffic with no problems.


Cloud computing issues can be difficult to resolve, but with the right approach and tools, they can be resolved. We talked about how I fixed a cloud computing problem with Amazon Web Services in this article. We identified the issue, proposed a solution, put it into action, and tested it. We hope that our experience can assist you in resolving similar issues.

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